We are really pleased to share our Impact Report from 2023/24. Please read the report and watch the film.

Restoring hope is at the heart of our work. One of our tenants, Nicky describes the difference that being in a Hope into Action home has made to him

“Since I have been in Hope, I just feel back at home again…my health has picked up, I got friendship groups, been going to the church as well, and its all since I have been in this house, its uplifting…it’s ticked every box for me.”     Nicky, Hope into Action tenant

Nicky loves the house where he lives and appreciates the professional support he has received from Chloe, his Empowerment Worker. But what has made it a home is the support and friendship of the local church.

And Nicky is just one of 486 people that we housed last year. In the enclosed report, you can read more stories and statistics which evidence the impact that Hope into Action has had in the last year:

  • We opened 17 new homes which is the most ever in a financial year

  • 94% of tenants who had served custodial sentences did not return to prison

  • 91% of tenants with mental health issues reported a stabilising or improvement in their well-being

  • 55% chose to engage with a Christian course or activity 

This kind of impact is made possible by Hope into Action’s supporters. Today, we are launching a campaign to urge more people to become regular supporters of our work, to be Restorers of Hope. To find out more about becoming a Restorer of Hope please click here