Homeless Link's national Excellence Awards 2024

We are so excited and honoured to announce that Hope into Action has won one of five coveted awards at Homeless Link’s national Excellence Awards 2024.

Homeless Link is the national membership charity for frontline homelessness organisations, and its annual awards recognise the innovative and impactful work happening across the sector to support people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping in England. 

Here at Hope into Action, we work closely with churches to provide a unique form of supported housing, and won the award for Successful Partnerships by demonstrating exceptional collaboration and partnership initiatives to address homelessness. We were selected from 149 entries to the Excellence Awards across the five categories, 30 of which were shortlisted. We will receive £3,000 to invest in staff wellbeing and/or learning and development, provided by St-Martin-in-the-Fields Charity.

The judging panel, composed of five experts from across the homelessness sector, commended Hope into Action for its unique and yet very replicable, successful partnership approach, which has huge potential to support many more people across the country in a sustainable way.

Kate Doran-Smith, Head of Network at Hope into Action said:

“In my job it’s a joy to see the power of partnerships every single day. Without our investors, we can’t purchase homes. Without our church volunteers, we couldn’t offer belonging and community. Without our franchise partners, we couldn’t see the model reach across the UK. Without our supporters, we wouldn’t be able to keep our rents affordable. 

“I’m delighted for everyone who’s contributed in countless ways to be acknowledged by this award. It’s recognition that there’s a growing army of people who want to use their gifts, talents and resources to work together and offer truly holistic support to those who so desperately need it. At a time when polarisation seems rife, it’s good and pleasant to see people working in unity. It’s the hope for the future.”

Rick Henderson, Chief Executive of Homeless Link, added:

“Hope into Action’s holistic approach brings together the independent financial capital of investors and the unique social capital of church communities to provide housing and support. I look forward to seeing their model expand further to support even more people to leave homelessness behind. We congratulate them on receiving this award.”

We are honoured to receive this award and would like to sincerely thank all our partners: our donors, churches, Friendship and Support volunteers and franchise friends for their continued support and work in offering those experiencing homelessness a chance to rebuild their lives. Without your partnership, we would not be able to do what we do! 

Please consider setting up a regular gift for Hope into Action. By providing a monthly donation, you help us continue to support people experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives. Thank you.