Hope into Action Norwich

We were so pleased to hear the happy news of Soph, one of our tenants in Norwich who has settled into a home of her own. Soph moved into her own flat back in March 2024, with the support of the Hope into Action Norwich team and St Catherine's Church, Mile Cross. During her time being supported by Hope into Action, Soph has become a big part of the HIA community, even doing her own fundraising event which involved sleeping outside in a tent for ten days which led to her raising over £1000! Soph is a legend!

When moving into her own flat in March, the Hope into Action Norwich team were so excited for Soph. 

Soph said about her time with HIA: 'There have been ups and downs but now I know I’m worth looking after. My future is bright, off the scale! The church has kept me together. I’ve built good friendships and they’ve been supportive and brilliant. Hope into Action are “proper job” (which is a compliment in Norfolk). It’s been life changing.” 

Following this news, Soph hosted a flat warming celebration which members of the Hope into Action Norwich team attended as well as members of St Catherine's church and those closest to Soph who had supported her on her journey. 

HIA Norwich posted to their Facebook page: 

'A lovely afternoon with ex tenant Soph (see header photo) who invited the church and HIA Norwich to her flat warming! She put on a lovely spread with homemade sausage rolls and cakes. It was only right that we had to test them, tough job! Rev Martin then led us in prayer and we prayed much joy and many blessings over this beautiful home. Good job Soph!'

We are delighted for Soph, for the renewal and the change that has come about in her life and that the future looks so bright for her. 

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Please consider setting up a regular gift for Hope into Action. By providing a monthly donation, you help us continue to support people experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives. Perhaps you have been inspired by Soph's amazing fundraising! Click below to start your own challenge today! Thank you.